Recently I’ve been reading the Scott hansleman’s post about the announcement of going open source he mentioned “we are open sourcing ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Pages v2 (Razor) all with contributions under the Apache 2.0 license. You can find the source on CodePlex . Be sure to read all the details on ScottGu's blog.”
All these component for are called webstack. and Hansleman named it “ webstack of Love”.
Since all these technologies stacked in will be introducing new contribution from the community people and so the release will be coming from overnight builds. To keep these builds available to Visual Studio users Microsoft have used Nuget for community code and contribution.
The community code is sourcing these ASP.NET components on CodePlex using Git as our repository. CodePlex now supports TFS, Subversion (via a bridge), Mercurial and now Git.
How to get the latest release?
Henrik is the architect for Web API and have wrote a wonderful blog about getting the overnight builds.
Using Nightly ASP.NET Web Stack NuGet Packages with VS 2012 RC
This is the benefits of introducing Nugets to the community code of these technologies. But again be careful while updating your project with latest binaries. Since it updated the GAC as well so in your staging and production you should include these update steps while migrating your project continuous builds through environments. Scott Hanselman wrote about it in his blog -
Now if a bug came in any of these technology you’re using then don’t find a workaround just go and fix it. I don’t have idea about how frequently the releases are being pushed to Nuget.
But this is really a good new.. and there are lots of people behind bring these things to Open Source inside Microsoft itself.
Thanks Scott !!!